“And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the
flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk
by the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one
another.” ~Gal. 5:24-26
To my surprise, I
realized that I had written on the final fruit of the Spirit last week. I had
thought I had kindness still left, but I realized I accidentally combined that
with the letter on gentleness. But I have one more thing to say before we leave
the fruit of the Spirit. Look at Paul’s words above. What do those words mean
to you? In the past, I’ve read those words many times and my reaction is almost
always the same. My first thought is that I’ve failed miserably at Paul’s
opening comment. So I start thinking about how to improve. After those initial
thoughts, however, my mind becomes occupied with other things and I cease to
remember Paul’s admonitions. Yet think about what this means. Think about what
comes before it. Paul spends an entire chapter rejecting sinful passions and
lusts and upholding godly desires and traits. In some ways the final verses of
chapter five may sound a little repetitive, but if we did not have this
reminder we would quickly forget what came before. I’m sure that you, like me,
have the fruit of the Spirit memorized (maybe in part due to the song a Family
Camp a few year back :). But I’d guess that you, again like me, don’t have the
preceding verses memorized. Why? Why do we choose to memorize only the godly
traits without attempting to remember the evil ones? True, in some cases,
memorizing sinful attributes can increase temptations, but leaving it out of
memorization can also be destructive. Most mornings, after my Bible study, I
try and see how I can apply the passage to my own life. Right now I’m working
through Jeremiah, so this morning I asked myself how the proclamations against
Israel apply to me. After a moment, I realized two things: 1) God keeps His
word. All the way back in Deuteronomy, the Lord warned the Israelites what
would happen if they didn’t obey and when the Israelites rebelled, sure enough,
it happened. 2) It serves as a warning to me. Israel was punished because they
were guilty of the sins listed by Paul in Gal. 5:16-21. So, returning back to
today’s passage, look again at what Paul says. In three sentences he sums up
the entire chapter. Belonging to Christ means crucifying the lusts of the flesh
and clinging to the fruit of the Spirit. Yet even in obeying the Lord there is temptation.
In our most humble moments we begin to feel pride at our humility. When others
are blessed, we question why we weren’t. At times we even try to parade our
good traits and in that way provoke others. So what should we do? How can we
walk by the Spirit? How do we become loving and peaceful and joyful and patient
and self-controlled? The answer: reject sin, crucify the flesh, and, like
David, say “Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness! You have relieved
me in my distress; have mercy on me, and hear my prayer.” (Psalm 4:1) Above
all, fall on your face before an Almighty God, thanking Him for the work of
Christ in your life and recognize that nothing will happen unless He brings it
to pass.
Your brother in Christ,
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